
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Really Random Thursday

Squeak fell asleep at 6:30 last night and instead of taking the opportunity to get caught up on my mountain of WIPs I sat in my sewing room and shifted things around.  Completely uninspired :(.  I have a couple of projects that I would have liked to work on but that would have required a trip to the store and since a) Squeak was asleep and 2) they were closed that wasn't going to happen.  I think I need a quick, simple project to get me back into my groove :)

In the meantime I DID finish up the first week of the Summer Sampler, YAY!  I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever not been behind on one of my cross stitch alongs (as long as you don't notice that the outlines aren't actually done).  When I finished up this one, I even pulled out the Winter Sampler to work on BUT then Squeak woke up so it didn't actually see much progress.

And since it is Really Random Thursday and I didn't feel quite as big as normal today, I thought I'd share my 6 month photo with you.  24 weeks down, 16 to go!

Linking up with Really Random Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. I just ordered that pattern this week but I need to run out and get aida cloth so I have not started yet. Good for you. And you look great!
