
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Behind the Scenes

I know things have been a little quiet around here lately but that doesn't mean I've slowed down any!  I've just been testing patterns and working on some other projects that I'm not quite ready to reveal yet.

I've got another bag tested for the wonderful Sara Lawson that I hope to be able to show you soon and a second on in the works.

And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the Reader's Choice project :).  I have all of the supplies and plan to sit and cut everything and get it put together this weeekend in time for a Monday reveal.

I'm going to the doctor every week now and it's eating into my creative time a little.  

One of the most time consuming things that I'm working on at the moment is trying to put together a sew along.  This is not something I've ever done so before I officially announce what it is I'm trying to get everything organized and sponsors on board.  I can't tell you how nervous excited I am about it!!!

For pictures of my in progress works and a bit more randomness you can follow me on Instagram where I'm @SewingWithSqueak.

One thing I can show off this week is my finished Halloween Sampler.  

 I picked up fabrics for the borders yesterday and hope to have a pillow finished ASAP!  I'm loving Halloween this year especially since Squeak is old enough to have some fun this time around :)

Squeak is loving "school" and has already added a few new words to his vocabulary.  Before long there will be no stopping him :)

Wishing everyone a great Really Random Thursday!

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