
Monday, September 30, 2013

A Full Weekend of Sewing

or at least it seemed like it.  I'm going to do this chronologically so bear with me :). 

Friday night Hubby sent with a friend to a hockey game so Squeak and I stayed home.  I did manage to get some work done on my Autumn Sampler.  And then I actually finished Week 1 before I left for the OKCMQG's Sew Day Saturday Morning.

I got to the sit and sew late and then spent about an hour (ok, let's be real, it was a lot longer than that) just chatting and sorting through the flea market/swap items that everyone brought.  I didn't take any pictures, but I got some good stuff in exchange for some old Amy Butler fabrics that I was never going to use.

Then after I got all of that out of my system I sat down and actually got to work.  First I finished up a bag I've been making as a tester for one of Sara's new patterns.  Wait until you see this one!  And unfortunately you will have to wait because the pattern isn't quite ready for release yet.  Shouldn't be long though!

Then I moved on to work on making my Halloween Sampler into a pillow cover.  I need a bigger pillow form but I love the way it turned out.

After that I had planned on cutting and possibly piecing my Sudoku Quilt that was the Reader's Choice Project of the September but my rotary cutter seemed to be having some issues so instead I made a quick block for our newest charity quilt then helped a fellow guild member with a paper pieced block.  Somehow I seem to have been voted as the person to go to when it comes to paper piecing (not that I mind, just that I think they highly overrate my abilities!).

At home Saturday night I started a custom ordered clutch which I was able to finish up Sunday morning along with the Sudoku Quilt.  Great suggestion from The Colorful Fabriholic.  I still have quite a bit of those fabrics left so it I get to feeling ambitious this week I may try and make the suggestion from Laura C. as well.  I'll be doing a more in depth post about this quilt once it's actually quilted but until my supply buying ban is over it will have join the other completed quilt tops in the closet that are waiting for batting.  Tomorrow another set of fabrics is being put up for suggestions so make sure to check back and tell me what you think!

I seem to be all about Halloween this year.  So of course Squeak needed a handmade quilted fabric treat bucket for all of his goodies!  I used a tutorial I found on the Birch Fabrics website and just added a long strap so he can carry it easily.

This is the smallest version and look how much stuff can fit in it!  I plan on packing it full of Halloween goodies and giving it to him before school then that night he can use it when we go trick or treating.

(Look who made a rare appearance in the background!)

One of the items I picked up at the swap Saturday was a little kit for a Christmas Candle Mat.  It was my first time using a quilters grid and I think I may have been better off just piecing it normally.  Not everything lines up perfectly but I think it's cute none the less.  Not sure what I'll actually use it for, but I'll figure out something!

And last but not least, I finally got around to cutting the pieces for my Lithium Bag (yes, another pattern by Sara!).  I'll do a full post on it and the inspiration behind it when I have it completed.

Purse Palooza starts today and I can't tell you how excited I am!  I have several purses that I've been meaning to make for quite awhile now so we'll see how many I can get done!

Linking up to Weekend Do.  


  1. O, how lovely. Such a lovely weekend you have - so productive! I love your Halloween pillow and the little treat bag !

  2. I adore your cross stitch! and such a lot of projects - so cute :)
